One Direction Philippines
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MUST READ: Rules & Regulations

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MUST READ: Rules & Regulations Empty MUST READ: Rules & Regulations

Post  Admin Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:33 am

As much as possible, we want this open forum to be as safe and fun as possible, and to keep things that way, every member (nobody is exempted from these rules) must follow the following rules.

1. Keep things PG13/kid-friendly.
Now while we know directioners are quite hormonal, we'd very much appreciate it if you kept all those "frustrations" to a down low. Respect yourselves and the boys, ladies and gents! Wink For now, mature fan-fiction is not allowed in this forum. Oh, and please don't swear too much. Occasional swearing is fine, I suppose, just don't overdo it.

2. This board is to remain absolutely drama-free.
That means any misunderstandings and/or fights between two or more members should be settled through PM. This does not apply to the drama surrounding the boys though! Haha, feel free to talk about that as long as it does not cause anything between members.

3. DO NOT spam!
Minimum of 5 words in each post and do not double post! Also, make sure to avoid typing in text speak. In example, whatz up wid u 2day dir3cti0n3r$? Our brains hurt just typing that, what more reading it? This isn't twitter or texting. The limit to how many characters that are allowed in a post is not a hundred more or less.
Oh and as much as possible, please post in the correct forum with a valid topic. If you posted in the wrong category/forum, have an admin move it for you.

4. Do not post photos bigger than 500px in width and 600px in height.
Just so we can keep things neat and orderly. Big photos may cause this website to lag, so please just resize the photos you will be posting. If you can't, then just attach a link. Easy peasy mac and cheesy.

5. Do not post anything that may ruin the reputation of the boys here.
Such as rumored nude photos (I personally would rather not see their dingalings!) and the likes of. We're here to support them, not the other way around!

Give credit where credit is due. Do not claim the photos/graphics/edits/fan-made videos/fan-fiction/article/etc as yours if you did not make it. As much as possible, link back to a source page (where you found the material) at the end of the post.

7. Maximum signature width/size: 550x250px.
We wouldn't want our pretty little website to lag, now do we?

8. This is more optional than it is necessary, but we'd prefer it if you subscribed to our newsletter.
This makes it easier for us to update you guys regarding events and website updates.

9. Do not post download links to the boys' songs nor leak them.
We don't want to be caught doing illegal things now, do we? We'll guilt-trip you if you violate this rule! Wink

10. And last but not least, have loads of fun.
We will be updating the forum rules every now and then so you have got to check back whenever we do, but for now, WE DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT THE TABLES BREAKING. WE ONLY WANNA HAVE A LAUGH!

Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-01-30

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MUST READ: Rules & Regulations Empty Re: MUST READ: Rules & Regulations

Post  One direction over lord!! Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:19 pm

Thank you and im very happy that im in this member right now Very Happy Very Happy 
One direction over lord!!
One direction over lord!!

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-08-03
Age : 25
Location : Paranque

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